Greetings, digital explorers! I'm a Software Engineer with a Bachelor of Technology degree from Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (A Central University) and with over 1.5+ years of experience in the software industry. In the vast cosmos of 0s and 1s, I've found my calling in developing software that's as innovative as it is efficient.
I am well versed with data structures and algorithms, with a repository of solutions to over 280 challenging questions. I regularly solve questions on platforms like LeetCode and Geeks for Geeks, honing my problem-solving skills and keeping my coding abilities sharp.
My journey has led me to work with an array of technologies including ReactJS, Redux, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Amplify, and Cognito, to name a few.
• Developed and deployed an official web portal (website) for information reachability and registration.
• Targeting 15,000+ students of Garhwal University, NIT UK and other regional colleges.
• Used HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript for Responsive UI and seamless interactive UX.
• Developed a web-app for searching the desired troop
• This Web-App uses an API call to retrieve data and display it according to the web-app.
• It Re-renders data when a troop is searched.
• Used HTML, CSS, Javascript, Reactjs, npm, JSON, Robohash API.
• Developed a python application where the user can create a virtual team of real cricket players and score points.
• Get maximum points to win the tournament.
• PyQt is used for Graphical User Interface (GUI), Uses SQLite Database for storage and retrieval of data
• Used Python and Concepts of OOPs for Logics of this application. Used CLI to convert .ui and .db file to .py file.
• Open-source Library of Data Structure and Algorithms.
• Contains important C++ concepts and solutions to contest on various platforms.
• C++ Programming Language is used to solve problem.
• Developed a Colour Code Generator.
• Generates RGB Code and Hex code for the selected combination of colours.
• Useful for web developer to generate colour code for their website.
• HTML, CSS, Javascript is used for Development.